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Solar Wolf Energy to install 5 MW solar farm in New Hampshire, USA

  • 5 years ago (2019-01-16)
  • David Flin
North America 1004 Solar 249

Solar Wolf Energy, a solar power and system installer based in Massachusetts, USA, has announced that it will construct and commission a 5 MW agricultural solar farm in Concord, New Hampshire. The system will be built on 15 acres of land at Lewis Farm in Concord.

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James Meinecke, one of the owners of the farm, said: “For us, a solar farm is key to the next generation of farming. It helps us continue to support our community with renewable energy in addition to our fresh, local vegetables.”

This is one of several solar farms under development for Solar Wolf that are scheduled to come on line in Q1 of 2019, with an estimated 40 MW capacity expected to be delivered in this time frame.