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Solar outstrips coal in past six months of UK electricity generation

  • 7 years ago (2016-10-05)
  • David Flin
Africa 306 Asia 860 Australasia 51 Biomass 8 Climate change 20 Coal 282 Cogeneration 1 Concentrating solar 5 Cyber security 8 Decarbonisation 1 Decentralised energy 5 Demand side management 2 Demand side response 2 Digitalisation 10 Distributed energy 10 Distribution 113 Electric vehicles EVs 4 Emissions 61 Energy management 1 Equipment 2 Europe 1069 Gas 379 Gas engine plant 62 Gas fuel 2 Horizon 2 Hydroelectric 17 Hydrogen 56 Hydropower 116 Latin America 77 Maintenance 3 Marine 1 Metering 2 microgrid 5 Middle East 317 North America 1004 Nuclear 643 Offshore wind 119 Oil 18 Operations 4 Policy 8 Regulations 3 Renewables 758 smart grid 2 Solar 250 Storage 41 substation 8 Tepco 2 Tidal 2 Toshiba 4 Transmission 181 US Senate Washington 4 Wind 241
Over the last six months, electricity generated in the UK by solar panels has exceeded that of Britain’s coal power stations, according to a report from the climate change analysts Carbon Brief.
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Solar eclipsed coal for one day in April, and then for the whole of May, with coal providing zero power for several days in May for the first time in over 100 years. Over the last six months, solar generated 6964 GWh, or 5.4 per cent of the UK electricity demand, while coal produced 6342 GWh, or 4.7 per cent.

The trend will not continue into winter, but the symbolic record demonstrates the impact solar subsidies and environmental penalties for coal have had.

Increases in the carbon floor price have resulted in the closure this year of three coal-fired power plants, Longannet, Ferrybridge C, and Rugeley. A fourth coal plant, Eggborough, was due to close in February, but won a 12-month contract to provide back-up capacity to the grid. However, the future of the plant is in doubt, and its owners are consulting on whether to replace it with a gas-fired plant. A similar amount of coal-fired power capacity was closed between 2012 and 2014, because upgrading the stations to meet higher air pollution standards was uneconomic.

According to Energy UK, there are 10 coal-fired power plants left in the UK. One is currently closed for conversion to biomass, one only operates in winter, and another only provides reserve power.

Solar has grown rapidly in the last six years, although figures published last week by the Office for National Statistics showed solar installation had collapsed after the Government cut the industry’s subsidies.