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Siemens supplies HL-class power island to South Korea

  • 4 years ago (2019-11-07)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Gas 379

Siemens has announced that it will set up a high-efficiency HL-class power island for a new combined cycle power plant in South Korea. This includes the first two HL-class gas turbines that it has supplied to a customer in Asia.

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The new plant, which will be built in Yeoju, in South Korea’s Gyeonggi Province, will run on LNG, and will have a generating capacity of over 1GW, and an efficiency of over 63 per cent. The customer is South Korean EPC SK Engineering & Construction, which is constructing the entire plant for the IPP Yeoju Energy Services.

Yeoju is designed as a multi-shaft CCPP, with two gas turbines and one steam turbine, each dribving their own generators. Siemens’ power island includes two SGT6-9000HL gas turbines, one SST6-5000 steam turbine, three SGen6-2000P generators, two HRSGs, and the SPPA-T3000 distributed control system. The plant will have a capacity of 1004MW. Commissioning is scheduled for mid-2022.

Andreas Pistauer, Head of Power Generation Asia and Pacific at Siemens Gas and Power, said: “The very high efficiency of our innovative HL-class technology makes it perfect for South Korea. The country has to import its entire gas requirement in the form of LNG by sea at huge cost. Therefore, higher efficiency ratings mean major financial benefits.”