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Siemens HVDC power bridge to connect Crete with mainland Greece

  • 4 years ago (2020-06-12)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068 Transmission 181

A consortium led by Siemens Gas and Power (Siemens Energy) has been awarded a turnkey contract for two converter stations for the Greek HVDC link connecting Crete with the Greek mainland. The project will enable an exchange of up to 1000MW to enhance the reliability of the power supply and facilitate integration of renewable energy sources in the power grid.

WNA 2024
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WNA 2024

The customer is Ariadne Interconnection , a wholly owned entity of the Greek independent power transmission operator IPTO.

Commissioning of the interconnector is scheduled for mid-2023. The total order is worth €370 million.

Siemens will cooperate in a consortium with Terna , one of the leading construction companies in Greece. The EPC contract comprises of design, supply, and installation of a 1000MW converter station at a DC voltage of ±500kV, a gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) substation on Crete, and 10-year service contracts for the GIS and Control and Protection systems of both the HVDC stations.

The two converter stations, one located in the Attica region near Athens and the other near Damasta in the north of Crete, will be linked by a 330km DC power cable. Terna will be responsible for the HV distribution systems, the entire civil works, and the erection of all the equipment of the HVDC project.

Crete’s energy supply currently relies mainly on ageing fossil-fuelled power plants, due to be shut down by the end of 2022. The interconnector will facilitate transmission of energy generated from renewable sources on the Greek mainland to the island.