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Sempra signs off another solar PPA with PG

  • 12 years ago (2011-08-05)
  • Junior Isles
Europe 1068 North America 1004 Renewables 757

Sempra Generation has signed a power purchasen agreement (PPA) with Pacific Gas & Electric of San Francisco to sell the utility 150 MWs of electricity generated at its Copper Mountain Solar complex in Boulder City.

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This deal is the third PPA between Sempra and PG&E and much larger than the first, which was for Copper Mountain’s 48 MW beginning phase.

The first phase of the project went live in late 2010 and is already the US'’s largest photovoltaic plant. PG&E also purchased 10 MW of power from Sempra's 10 MW El Dorado Solar plant nearby.

The latest PPA is for 25 years, though further contractual and financial details were not disclosed.

The newest phase of Copper Mountain Solar will come online in stages between 2013 and 2015.

Local power utility NV Energy negotiated with Sempra to buy power from the first phase of Copper Mountain, but was eventually outbid by PG&E.

Scott Crider, director of external affairs for Sempra, wouldn't disclose whether NV Energy had re-submitted a bid to buy power from Copper Mountain Solar's upcoming phase.

"We talked to lots of utilities on this project," he said.