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Selected highlights from the May 2024 edition of The Energy Industry Times

Fuel Watch: US DOE advisory board finds hydrogen industry not growing fast enough

Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy (APNE) 2025
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Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy (APNE) 2025

There will be many rivers to cross as the world finds its way to a net zero economy. Many industries are looking to hydrogen as the means to lead in the energy transition, but a new report delivered to the US Department of Energy says hydrogen development is not taking place fast enough.

Industry Perspective: Winds of change: how the grid can flex without breaking

The inherent variability of renewable power sources like wind and solar demands a radical enhancement in grid flexibility. The key is a system that flexes, rather than breaks, to accommodate different sources, each working at different times and at different speeds. Hitachi Energy’s Gerhard Salge, explains.

Energy Outlook: Leveraging industrial AI for enhanced energy efficiency

Reducing carbon intensity is a major challenge for industrial companies. AspenTech’s Dr. Rasha Hasaneen believes industrial AI will be a key enabler for most companies to navigate the decarbonisation journey, while maintaining operational excellence and business agility.

Transition Investment Series: Greece: an abundance of clean investment opportunities

This is the second in a series of country analyses where TEI Times looks at generation and consumption profiles, policy, emissions targets and ability to attract the investment needed to meet government targets.

Technology Focus: Answering the urgent call for negative emissions

There is an urgent need for a comprehensive global carbon-negative strategy, one that includes removing excess carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere using technologies such as Direct Air Capture (DAC). RepAir Carbon Capture’s Amir Shiner, describes an electrochemical cell-based DAC solution that cuts energy usage by 70 per cent for cost-effective carbon removal at gigatonne scale.

Final Word: Chinese medicine

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Yours sincerely,

Junior Isles, Editor-in-Chief

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