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Selected highlights from the March 2025 edition of The Energy Industry Times

Fuel Watch: Discoveries of white hydrogen could unveil new alternative energy
Tucked away at numerous locations around the Earth, there exists an energy source that promises to make a difference in the future of how we power our world. White hydrogen, which is naturally occurring, is coming into focus within the scientific and business communities. And while it won’t be easy to develop, it really might make a difference once it is.

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Industry Perspective: Infrastructure and investment in hydrogen: a global view
Many countries have identified hydrogen as key to decarbonising their economies. But who is lagging behind and what can they learn from those leading the way in infrastructure and investment in hydrogen? Bramble Energy's Dr. Tom Mason explores the leading infrastructure and investment strategies driving green hydrogen success worldwide.

Energy Transition Investment Series: Australia: continuing the clean energy surge
Australia’s massive growth in clean energy generation capacity testifies to the positive national investment profile. This is the latest in a series of country analyses where TEI Times looks at the country’s generation and consumption profiles, policy, emissions targets and investment attractiveness.

Technology Perspective: Power-to-X and the H2 economy: a snap-shot on the state of play
Power-to-X holds the promise to transform the global economy onto a green footing but to do so means adopting a pragmatic approach and breaking down barriers to the widespread adoption and development of a much more hydrogen-centric energy system. Dr.-Ing. Florian Gruschwitz at MAN Energy Solutions SE explains.

Final Word: Once more unto the breach...

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We hope you find it informative!

Yours sincerely,

Junior Isles, Editor-in-Chief

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