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Selected highlights from the June 2024 edition of The Energy Industry Times

  • 29 days ago (2024-06-03)
  • Junior Isles
Africa 306 Asia 859 Australasia 51 Biomass 8 Climate change 20 Coal 282 Cogeneration 1 Concentrating solar 5 Cyber security 8 Decarbonisation 1 Decentralised energy 5 Demand side management 2 Demand side response 2 Digitalisation 10 Distributed energy 10 Distribution 112 Electric vehicles EVs 4 Emissions 61 Energy management 1 Equipment 2 Europe 1068 Gas 379 Gas engine plant 62 Gas fuel 2 Horizon 2 Hydroelectric 17 Hydrogen 56 Hydropower 116 Latin America 77 Maintenance 3 Marine 1 Metering 2 microgrid 5 Middle East 317 North America 1003 Nuclear 643 Offshore wind 119 Oil 18 Operations 4 Policy 8 Regulations 3 Renewables 757 smart grid 2 Solar 249 Storage 39 substation 8 Tepco 2 Tidal 2 Toshiba 4 Transmission 181 US Senate Washington 4 Wind 240
TEI Times June 2024 Thumbnail

Selected highlights from the June 2024 edition of The Energy Industry Times

Fuel Watch: US DOE faces challenges moving hydrogen production forward

Battery Innovation Days 2024
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Battery Innovation Days 2024

The US Department of Energy is continuing to pursue its hydrogen development programme through the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, which has recently released its Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP).

Industry Perspective: Accelerating the clean energy revolution begins with distribution

Distribution is often missing in the energy transition discussion, resulting in a disconnect between the politically agreed pace of the transition and the incremental investment growth of distribution grids. Eurelectric’s Kristian Ruby says it is vital that we close this gap swiftly and effectively. Its ‘Grids for Speed’ report serves as a roadmap to guide policymakers, industry players and investors towards a fair and swift transition to clean energy.

Energy Outlook: Key considerations for the development of floating wind farms

With the ability to be installed further offshore in water depths beyond the limits of fixed-bottom structures, floating wind farms are emerging as the next generation of renewable energy sources. Fugro’s Brian Bell says there are seven key considerations for developers looking to build projects.

Decarbonisation Series: VPPs, AI, and EVs: a boost to the EU energy transition

Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) will be a key technology for the energy transition in the EU in the coming years, and the rapid growth of electric vehicles will aid the development of VPPs through technologies such as Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) digital solutions. This offers operators and investors a great number of investment opportunities, writes Joseph Jacobelli.

Technology Focus: Drawing a line in the sand

A “new era” in battery storage is being hailed with the development of a sand battery system designed to boost the profitability of wind and solar.

Final Word: Staying on the grid

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Yours sincerely,

Junior Isles, Editor-in-Chief

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