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Scheduled blackouts likely in Israel this summer

  • 12 years ago (2012-07-03)
  • David Flin
Middle East 317 North America 1004

The Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) has warned consumers and businesses of the possibility of a summer of blackouts, particularly during peak hours between noon and 5pm. Asher Dahan, Deputy CEO for Customer Service at IEC, said: “It is reasonable to assume that the Israel Electric Corporation will be forced to make power cuts from time to time in selected locations for periods of time running about an hour, and occasionally even longer than that. The length of these power cuts will depend on the extent of the power shortage. Dahan stressed that the scheduled blackouts, which will occur during July and August, are intended only to keep the network functioning.

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Israel Electric has been struggling with a shortage of gas to power its generators since Egyptian supplies were cut off last year, and because its power generating capacity is being pushed to the limit this summer with particularly high levels of consumption.

To deal with the expected power shortages, the Israeli cabinet approved a plan in May that includes eliminating restrictions on the use of heavy fuel oil, including at Tel Aviv’s Reading power station, which overlooks Israel’s largest metropolitan area. Israel Electric has also extended the deadline for registering with its “Save and Profit” programme, under which consumers are entitled to 10 percent discounts if they reduce consumption by 15-20 percent.