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Renewable generation breaks records again in 2013

  • 10 years ago (2014-06-06)
  • Junior Isles
Asia 859 Europe 1068 Nuclear 643 Renewables 757
The latest Renewables Global Status Report by REN21, the renewable energy policy network, has revealed that global renewable electricity capacity rose to a yet higher record level in 2013, reaching 1560 GW – an 8 per cent rise on the 2012 figure.
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Further, more than 22 per cent of global power production now comes from renewable sources, and, crucially, 19% of final energy consumption is also renewable too.

Ever widening policy support for renewables in developing nations is behind growth in recent years, with 95 emerging economies now providing some support for renewable energy, up six-fold from the mere 15 countries in 2005.

Significantly, China added more renewable power capacity during 2013 than new fossil fuel and nuclear capacity for the first time ever. China saw spectacular growth in solar PV, accounting for nearly one third of the total capacity added, followed by Japan and the United States.

The solar PV had a successful year overall and added about 39 GW of capacity during 2013, for a total of approximately 139 GW, beating wind power capacity added over the same period.

Hydroelectric generation rose by 4 per cent to approximately 1000 GW of capacity in 2013 and accounted for roughly a third of capacity added during the year. Other renewables collectively grew faster at nearly 17 per cent, but reached only an estimated 560 GW of capacity.

There was over 35 GW of wind power capacity addition in 2013, reaching a total of 318 GW, with offshore particularly successful with a record 1.6 GW added, almost entirely in the EU.