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Pakistan suffers hydro troubles

  • 11 years ago (2012-07-14)
  • Junior Isles
North America 1004

Hydro power capacity has in Pakistan reportedly fallen by 1000 MW compared to last year due to diminished dam inflows and ill-advised government strategy to generate electricity when inflows were too low, leading to a greater shortage and lower water levels.

EP Shanghai 2024
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EP Shanghai 2024

Official figures show hydro generation is between 4000-4500 MW this year compared with more than 5000 MW in the same period last year.

The meteorology department had already forecast lower inflows for this season in the months of May and June, so prioritisation was needed to preserve water levels for use on the hottest days.

Although water inflows have now increased, the required level has not been achieved and current power capacity stands between 13 500-14 100 MW against a demand of 17 500-18 000 MW.

Ministry of Water and Power officials have assured that they will be able to bridge the gap.

They have also undertaken measures for rolling power outages in different areas to balance demand and provided relief to remote areas of the country.