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Obama requests funding for fossil fuel R

  • 10 years ago (2014-03-10)
  • Junior Isles
North America 1004

US President Barack Obama has requested $475.5 million in the FY 2015 budget for the fossil energy research and development (FER&D) portfolio to facilitate achievement of the President’s climate goals.

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In FY 2015, FER&D will continue to focus on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and activities that increase the efficiency and availability of systems integrated with CCS.

Part of the FY2015 budget would see FER&D establish a new demonstration programme, Natural Gas Carbon Capture and Storage (NG-CCS), to support projects to capture and store carbon emissions from natural gas power systems.

FER&D currently manages the Clean Coal Power Initiative programme along with two American Recovery and Reinvestment Act CCS demonstration programs: FutureGen 2.0 and the Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage program under the CCS Demos programme.