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North American wind capacity to double by 2017, report says

  • 12 years ago (2012-03-08)
  • Junior Isles
Renewables 757

North America accounts for approximately 22 per cent of the total installed wind energy generation capacity, but the number of installations will more than double during the next five years, according to a Pike Research report. Onshore installations are also likely account for up to 97 per cent of this total.

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Pike’s “Wind Energy Outlook for North America” suggests that, by 2017, wind capacity in North America should reach around 125 GW, which translates to an investment of roughly $145 billion over a five-year period. The report believes this investment will be forthcoming because it will be fuelled by the consolidation of several high-profile wind technology firms and founded on much greater cooperation between manufacturers and developers.

Wind energy projects currently account for only 2.3 per cent of total electricity generation in the United States, a comparatively low figure among developed nations. The report attributes this to the uncertain investment climate and limited tax incentives available for wind generation.