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Nigerian power privatisation on track

  • 11 years ago (2012-07-19)
  • Junior Isles
Africa 306

The Nigerian Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) has received technical and financial proposals from 25 potential investors for the country’s four thermal and two hydro generation power stations, according to a statement from spokesman of the BPE, Chukwuma Nwoko.

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Evaluation of these proposals forms the next step in the Nigerian authorities’ current power privatisation plan.

The four thermal power firms are: Ughelli Power Plc, Sapele Power Plc, Geregu Power Plc and Afam Power Plc. The hydro companies are Kainji Power Plc and Shiroro Power Plc.

The statement also said July 31 had been set as a deadline for the technical and financial proposals for power distribution companies.

The 11 distribution companies to be sold are located in Abuja, Benin, Enugu, Eko (Lagos), Ibadan, Ikeja (Lagos), Port Harcourt, Jos, Kaduna, Kano, and Yola.