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NextEra progresses on restarting Duane Arnold nuclear power plant

  • 2 months ago (2025-01-27)
  • David Flin
North America 1040 Nuclear 678

NextEra Energy has filed notice with US Federal regulators about a possible restart of its Duane Arnold nuclear power plant in Iowa, USA.

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John Ketchum, CEO of NextEra Energy, said that the 600 MW Duane Arnold Energy Centre, which shut in 2020 after operating for 45 years, would feed power to data centres, although no contracts have yet been signed. Ketchum said: “We are very excited about the way Duane Arnold is moving forward.”

No fully-shut US nuclear reactor has been brought back to life, but Duane Arnold would be among three plants in the country in the process of attempted restarts. One of the sites, Constellation Energy ’s Three Mile Island plant, which is being renamed Crane Clean Energy Centre, in Pennsylvania, secured a PPA to deliver power to Microsoft data centres.

The Duane Arnold facility has undergone an initial engineering assessment, which found the plant's reactor is in strong shape and the broader plant could be restored to operations by as early as late 2028.