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New 1200 MW CCGT for the Texas Triangle

  • 9 months ago (2024-02-14)
  • David Flin
Gas 394 Hydrogen 60 North America 1022

Sandow Lakes Energy Company has announced plans to construct a 1200 MW CCGT at Sandow Lakes in Lee County, Texas, USA, to operate within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Construction is scheduled to start in 2025, with the plant being operational by 2028.

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Siemens Energy will supply two SGT6-9000HL gas turbines, with the capability to operate using hydrogen with only minor modifications.

Sandow Lakes was formerly the site of a 1950s-era 1200 MW coal-fired power plant. The legacy coal facilities are in the process of being partially demolished and repurposed for the new CCGT.

Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, said: “As Texas continues to grow, increasing the capacity and reliability of our power grid is critical. This Sandow Lake plant will provide 1200 MW of dispatchable power, providing enough electricity for hundreds of thousands of homes. Through partnerships with companies like Sandow Lakes and Siemens, our state will ensure we continue to deliver reliable power to every Texas home.”