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Nepal’s Mid-Marshyangdi power generation drops to 30 MW

  • 7 years ago (2017-02-13)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Hydroelectric 17

With the onset of the dry season in Nepal, power generation from the 70 MW Middle Marshyangdi Hydropower Project has fallen to around 30 MW, due to the significant drop in water level in the river basin.

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The peaking run of the river project is generating 30 MW at peak demands for three hours in the mornings and three hours in the evening. For the rest of the day, it generates 20 MW.

Pashupati Raj Gautam, Chief of the Middle Marshyangdi Project, said: “We are generating electricity as directed by the load dispatch centre of Nepal Electricity Authority. The project can generate more electricity during the peak hours by storing water during the day and night time.”