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Natural gas overtakes coal as top source of US power generation

  • 8 years ago (2015-07-14)
  • David Flin
North America 1004
Natural gas has overtaken coal as the top source of US electric power generation for the first time ever. This arose because of the decline in the price of natural gas, and the increase of new regulations for the use of coal.
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Data released by the US Energy Department said that about 31 per cent of electric power generation in April came from natural gas, and 30 per cent from coal. Federal data shows that in April, the amount of electricity generated using natural gas rose 21 per cent compared to April 2014, while the amount generated with coal fell by 19 per cent over the same period.

A drilling boom that started in 2008 has boosted US natural gas production by 30 per cent. Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has allowed energy companies to tap huge volumes of gas trapped deep underground in shale formations. Power companies have been installing more natural gas turbines at plants, and retiring older coal-fired facilities. New regulations restricting the emission of greenhouse gasses has added pressure to this trend.

The US Energy Department said in a report that it expects the level of coal-generated electricity to increase as natural gas prices rise and coal-fired plants return from spring maintenance.