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Mozambique state power company to bring power to whole country by 2030

  • 6 years ago (2017-08-16)
  • David Flin
Africa 306 Transmission 181

Mateus Magala, Chairman of Electricidade de Moçambique (EdM), Mozambique’s state-owned electricity company, said that EdM intends to supply power to the whole country by 2030, in a project expected to cost over $16 billion. He said that the project is part of a “sustainable development strategy, which is intended to provide electricity to around 300,000 families per year.”

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This year, EdM plans to conclude a project to provide electricity to new districts in the provinces of Zambézia and Tete. Magala said that Mozambique has abundant natural resources that have yet to be explored, and that electricity is needed to allow projects that make use of these resources to move forward.

Magala referred to planned or ongoing power generation projects, including the construction of the Mphanda Nkuwa and Cabora Bassa Norte dams and thermal power plants in Bengo, Moatize, Moamba, Kuvaninga, and Ressano Garcia. Magala said: “Realistically, I think the Mphanda Nkuwa dam will be ready around 2019, with electricity produced there for both domestic consumption and export.