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MAN to upgrade Caribbean power plant engines

  • 2 years ago (2023-03-09)
  • David Flin
Gas engine plant 69 North America 1040 Oil 19

Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) has commissioned MAN PrimeServ to upgrade five power plant engines. As part of a lifecycle upgrade (LCU), 3 MAN 12V4860A and 2 MAN 14V48/60B engines will be converted to modern MAN 51/60 types. The five gensets power the North Sound Road Power Plant on Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. They have a total combined capacity of 64 MW.

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Completion of the retrofit will bring the five engines, which already have over 80 000 operational hours, up to the technical standard of a newbuild MAN 51/60, achieving significant reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

The project will allow CUC transition the plant from its current diesel fuel operation to LNG. Further upgrade of the engines will enable dual-fuel operation.

The project will be implemented over 24 months, beginning in November 2023.

Richard Hew, President and CEO of CUC, said: “CUC consistently seeks innovative ways to operate efficiently while providing the lowest possible prices to customers. The lifecycle upgrade will not only make our engines significantly more fuel efficient, but will also enable them to be upgraded for use with low-emission LNG in the future.”