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Largest hydrogen fuel blending successfully validated in USA

  • 2 years ago (2022-06-13)
  • David Flin
Gas 387 North America 1012

Mitsubishi Power and Georgia Power , with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has successfully validated fuel blending of hydrogen and natural gas at both partial and full load on an M501G gas turbine at Georgia Power’s Plant McDonough-Atkinson in Smyrna, Georgia. The demonstration project was the first to validate 20 per cent hydrogen fuel blending on an advanced class gas turbine in North America, and the largest test of this kind to date.

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The Plant McDonough-Atkinson facility, 10 miles from Atlanta, was fully converted to natural gas in 2012. It currently operates six M501G series gas turbines, as well as three steam turbines running in three blocks of 2-on-1 combined cycle configuration.

Mitsubishi Power completed the hydrogen blending on one 256 MW M501G gas turbine. Dry low NOx hydrogen blending was successful at up to 20 per cent at the designed 100 per cent natural gas firing temperature.

Mitsubishi Power provided full turnkey service for this project including engineering, planning, hydrogen blending hardware, controls, commissioning, and risk management. Mitsubishi Power partnered with Certarus to source and manage the hydrogen supply.