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KenGen to invest in geothermal

  • 1 year, 1 month ago (2023-11-10)
  • David Flin
Africa 323 Gas 396 Hydropower 134

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen), Kenya’s largest power producer, has announced a plan to generate more electricity from geothermal power plants in the face of low water inflows being experienced at the hydropower stations, the result of low rainfall in the country.

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According to KenGen, the large hydropower stations in the country have only been able to supply 471 MW, despite having a maximum capacity of 626 MW.

Peter Njenga, Managing Director and CEO of KenGen, said: “We are receiving very low inflows at our dams at the Seven Forks, located along the Tana River. This poor hydrology means that we now have to turn to another source to meet the growing demand for electricity in the country.” Njega added that KenGen plans to acquire more geothermal drilling licences in the Great Rift Valley to increase the company’s geothermal power generation capacity. The company has already undertaken expansion efforts at its existing geothermal power facilities in Olkaria.