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Kariba Dam water allocation for electricity generation cut in half

  • 6 months ago (2024-01-01)
  • David Flin
Africa 306 Hydropower 116

The Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) has reduced the amount of water allocated for power generation at the Kariba Dam by 47 per cent to 16 billion cubic metres (BCM), down from 30 BCM.

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In a recent statement, ZRA said that the reduction in the amount of water allocated for power generation in 2024 was a result of low water levels in the lake and the below average rainfall anticipated for the 2023/2024 rainfall season in part of Karibia’s catchment area.

Zambia Electricity Supply Authority (ZESCO) and Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) will each receive an allocation of 8 BCM starting this week, down from the current 15 BCM. ZPC operates the Kariba South Hydroelectric Power station and ZESCO manages the Kariba North Bank Power Station.

The downward revision of water allocation for 2024 for ZPC and ZESCO will impact power generation in Zimbabwe and Zambia and may result in increased load shedding.