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Iran wants to build 10 more uranium enrichment sites

  • 15 years ago (2009-12-01)
  • David Flin
Middle East 334 Nuclear 678

’s government has ordered the construction of 10 more uranium enrichment sites. Construction of five of the sites at existing locations should start within two months, and suitable locations will be found for the remaining five, according to an instruction handed to the Iranian atomic agency following a meeting of the Iranian cabinet.

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The IAEA adopted a resolution censuring for secretly building a new nuclear enrichment plant at Fordo, near the capital . Referring to the IAEA resolution, Ahmadinejad reiterated that would not allow any country to deprive of its nuclear rights. has repeated its threat to limit cooperation with the IAEA over this issue.

Iran Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said: “If you do not stop these ridiculous carrot-and-stick policies, we will in return adopt new policies and seriously reduce cooperation with the IAEA.”

In , White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said that building additional enrichment sites would only further isolate the government. He said: “If true, this would be yet another serious violation of ’s clear obligations under multiple UN Security Council resolutions and another example of choosing to isolate itself.”