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Iran’s power expansion on track to reach 2016 target

  • 11 years ago (2012-08-31)
  • Junior Isles
Europe 1068 Middle East 317

Iran has increased its electricity generation capacity by 4 GW since March 20th 2011, the beginning of the previous Iranian calendar year, deputy energy minister Mohammad Behzad has said. Iran’s total power generating capacity currently stands at 65.2 GW.

Iran also aims to complete 12 new power projects by mid-September, costing $1.4 billion, which will boost national generation capacity by a further 2 GW.

The Energy Ministry’s overall plan is to increase Iran’s generating capacity by 5 GW over the calander year ending March 2013, Behzad has previously.

He has also said that current hydro and thermal power plants should see their generation capacity increase by 10 GW by August 2013.
By the conclusion of Iran’s Fifth Five-Year Economic Development Plan (March 2016), Iran will have boosted its electricity generation capacity by 25GW to 73GW, Energy Minister Majid Namjou has previously stated.

Iran currently trades power with Turkey, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

Iran is currently the top electricity producer in the Middle East, according to the Iran Power Development Company, and is the 15th largest electricity producer in the world.

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