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Interest expressed in South Africa nuclear project

  • 7 years ago (2017-02-02)
  • David Flin
Africa 316 Nuclear 652

South Africa’s state utility Eskon said that 27 companies, including France’s EDF and China’s State Nuclear Power Technology, have shown interest in the country’s plans to build more nuclear reactors. Other companies that have expressed interest include Russia’s Rosatom and South Korea’s Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO).

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The South African Government has not yet said when the official tender for the project will take place, but Eskom has requested that interested companies come forward and say they would be willing to provide information on nuclear power costs and financing options. Eskom said that the information provided by interested countries will be used to finalise its submission to the government on the matter and ensure transparency.

Matshela Koko, Eskom’s interim Group Chief Executive, said: “Eskom is looking forward to the information supplied to confirm our understanding of the key issues that impact the timing and affordability of a nuclear programme.

South Africa has earmarked nuclear expansion as the centrepiece of a plan to increase power generation to ease the country’s reliance on an ageing fleet of coal-fired plants.