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Indian Five-Year plan to add 88 537 MW of new capacity

  • 10 years ago (2013-09-22)
  • Junior Isles
Nuclear 643
The Indian government plans to add an ambitious 88 537 MW of new power generating capacity over the course of its next five year plan 2012-2017, according to a senior power ministry official.
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The planned new capacity will be comprised of 10 897 MW of hydro generation, 72 340 MW of various kinds of thermal generation and 5300 MW of nuclear generations, the official said.

Currently, India has only 16 000 MW of operational gas-based capacity and another 8000 MW under construction. This 24 000 MW capacity would require 103 mmscd (million standard cubic feet per day).

However, the official revealed that “…the present supply of gas to the grid based power sector is only 20 mmscd. Therefore, considering the lean availability of gas, the requirement of only the existing capacity could be met in the 12th and 13th Plan.”

Consequently, none of the additional capacity is likely to come from gas-fired generation.