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India to reach 20 000 MW of nuclear generation in 20 years

  • 12 years ago (2011-08-22)
  • Junior Isles
Asia 859 Europe 1068 Nuclear 643

India's nuclear power generation capacity is expected to reach 20 000 MW in around two decades, a top official at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) has said.

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The present installed capacity is about 4785 MW, generated by 20 nuclear power stations of varying size across the country. This is expected to reach 7300 MW by 2013, IGCAR Director S C Chetal told reporters.

Regarding safety concerns, he assured that all Indian atomic power stations were safe and necessary standards maintained, with measures rechecked and reassessed – particularly those in Tarapore and Kalpakkam – after the recent reactor meltdown in Japan.

"We have confirmed that all reactors are safe," he said. Asked about the delay in commissioning the Koodamkulam power project in Tamil Nadu, Chetal attributed it to the delay in procuring technology from Russia, which is collaborating in the setting up of the 2x1000 MW VVER reactors at the plant.

Officials at the plant have recently said the first of the two reactors would start commercial production by this December.