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India doubles generating capacity in a decade

  • 10 years ago (2014-02-20)
  • Junior Isles
Nuclear 643 Renewables 757
India's has more than doubled its installed power generation capacity over the past decade, according to a government announcement.
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Indian Finance Minister P. Chidambaram was presenting the interim budget for 2014-15 in parliament when he made the announcement. "India's power generation capacity 10 years ago was 112 700 MW. It has now risen to 234 600 MW," Chidambaram stated.

He also revealed that 29 000 MW of new capacity had been added during the current fiscal year, and that while seven nuclear power reactors were currently under construction, only the 500 MW fast breeder test reactor at the Kalpakkam plant in Tamil Nadu is set to be ready soon.

The finance minister went on to claim that the National Solar Mission will undertake four ‘ultra-mega’ solar power projects, and another four 500 MW solar plants will be constructed during 2014-15.

"The interim budget has put the focus back on creating a conducive environment for the energy sector in the country," said chairman of Hindustan Powerprojects, Ratul Puri. Powerprojects is one of several companies planning on expanding its thermal and solar power capacity.

"With the award of 16 000 MW of coal-based power projects or announcement of four 500 MW solar projects, the government has taken the right initiatives towards energy independence," Puri added.