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Hong Kong plans interconnection project with mainland

  • 30 days ago (2024-11-21)
  • David Flin
Asia 897 Transmission 195

Wong Shuk-han, Hong Kong’s Undersecretary for Environment and Ecology, has announced that Hong Kong is planning to strengthen its electricity interconnection with the mainland through a new infrastructure project. She said that the project will increase the share of zero-carbon energy in Hong Kong’s fuel mix for power generation in the long run.

Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy (APNE) 2025
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Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy (APNE) 2025

The project is scheduled to be commissioned by 2035, and the share of zero-carbon energy imported from the mainland in Hong Kong’s fuel mix may further increase to around 60-70 per cent by then.

Hong Kong is also increasing efforts to improve the current mainland-Hong Kong power interconnection project. Wong said: “Upon completion of the enhancement of the current pipeline project – Clean Energy Transmission System – connecting the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station and Hong Kong in 2025, its transmission capacity will be increased with greater flexibility to import more clean energy from the mainland, and the share of electricity imported from the mainland in our fuel mix could be increased from around 25 per cent to 35 per cent by 2025.”