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Hinkley Point B given permission to restart generation

  • 3 years ago (2021-03-18)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068 Nuclear 643

Hinkley Point B nuclear power station in the UK has been given permission to restart generation. EDF has invested £3 million over the past year on upgrading the plant while detailed assessments have been completed on the graphite in the nuclear reactors. The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) gave its approval on 17th March.

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EDF took Hinkley Point B offline last year for detailed assessments of the reactors’ graphite cores. Analysis revealed that the graphite was in the expected condition. ONR’s Chief Inspector said that the number of cracks in one of the reactor’s graphite cores was “lower than expected.”

EDF plans to run Hinkley’s two reactors for six months, pause for further inspections and, subject to ONR approval, generate power for a second six-month period.