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Gujarat secures PPAs for 950 MW of solar generation

  • 13 years ago (2011-01-12)
  • Junior Isles
Middle East 317 Renewables 757

Eighty companies have signed Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for generation of 950 MW of solar power in the Indian state of Gujarat, according to Pranav Mehta, founder and chairman of the Solar Energy Association of Gujarat.

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“The implementation of these PPAs will help the state hold ‘numero uno’ position among other states in solar power generation,” he elaborated. All the agreements are to be implemented by December 31, 2011.

In light of India’s increasing dependence on fossil fuels for power generation, the Solar Energy Association of Gujarat formed with the purpose of advocating solar energy as a realistic alternative.

“Despite solar power being costlier than other energy resources, it should be viewed as an investment and not as a cost. The benefits reaped in the future would definitely be higher,” said Dr JJ Irani director of Tata Sons.

Starting with a team of 15 members, the association plans to add around 50 members in the first year.

“Where Gujarat has the required potential for generating solar power, there is a need to find solutions for conservation of solar energy - though not immediately. But the solution for conservation of solar energy would emerge by next decade,” added Irani.

The association is working on options for land availability for solar development.