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Global CO2 emissions from power sector fell 2 per cent last year

  • 4 years ago (2020-03-09)
  • David Flin
Coal 282 Renewables 757

Global CO2 emissions from the power sector fell by 2 per cent last year, the biggest fall since at least 1990, a result of reduced coal usage in Europe and the USA.

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The independent climate think tank Ember carried out the study, reporting that coal-fired power generation fell by 3 per cent globally, also the largest fall since 1990. The drop in Europe was 24 per cent, driven by a switch to renewables, while US coal-fired power generation was down by 16 per cent because of more competitive gas. However, coal-fired generation rose in China, with the country becoming responsible for over half of global coal-fired power generation.

Factors such as cheap gas, nuclear restarts in Japan and South Korea, and slowing electricity demand helped the decline in coal use and the shift towards renewables.

Dave Jones, lead author of the report and electricity analyst at Ember, said: “The global decline of coal and power sector emissions is good news for the climate, but governments have to dramatically accelerate the electricity transition so that global coal generation collapses through the 2020s.”

Wind and solar power generation rose by 270TWh, or by 15 per cent, last year. That growth rate would need to be maintained every year to achieve climate goals under the Paris Agreement.