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Ghanaian government signs MoU for thermal plants with GE

  • 10 years ago (2013-11-03)
  • Junior Isles
Africa 306 North America 1004
The Ghanaian government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with US giant General Electric for the construction of thermal plants with a total generating capacity of 1000 MW.
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The project’s first phase is the construction of a 350 MW thermal plant, though the technical details and locations of the plants are still being discussed and the financial arrangement for the public-private partnership project is still being decided, said Felix Ofosu Kwakye, a Deputy Minister for Information and Media Relations.

"Issues related to financing of the project have almost been completed. Once that is done, there will be no impediment on their way in terms of execution," he said.

Mr Ofosu Kwakye also said another company, Sern Power, was to set up a 330 MW power plant in Temam this year with the project to be completed by 2015.

The projects, he indicated, were part of the government's efforts to reach a generation capacity of 5000 MW by 2015.