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Ghana keeps eyes on nuclear power

  • 9 years ago (2015-01-30)
  • Junior Isles
Africa 306 Nuclear 643

Ghana is making progress with its plans for nuclear power, the head of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission has said.

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Three International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Nuclear Energy Experts, met with Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) this week to discuss the country’s Nuclear Power Programme (NPP).

Professor Benjamin Jabez Nyarko, Director-General of the GAEC, said Ghana had made steady progress since it conceived the idea of developing a nuclear power plant.

He said there is a need, however, to speed up the passage of the nuclear regulatory bill, which is supposed to serve as a guide and help in the acquisition of the requisite license for the operation of a nuclear power plant. The bill is currently with Parliament.

Professor Nyarko said the IAEA experts would also have several meetings with some key institutions including the Radiation Protection Board, to discuss issues on regulation.

Prof. Kwame Abloh , Deputy Director-General of the Commission, noted that there must be a push for further commitment by all to make Ghana’s nuclear power plant a reality.

He said Ghana has a road map for the NPP, which requires a step-by-step approach and strong policy support.

The government has formulated the Nuclear Energy Programme Implementation Organisation under the Ministry of Power to support the development of nuclear power. The establishment of the National Energy Policy, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, as well as the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy are all efforts towards the realisation of a NPP.

He said the technical issues concerning the siting of the NPP are being considered by the appropriate authorities, while grid infrastructure is being improved.