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Germany hits record 61 per cent renewable for February

  • 4 years ago (2020-03-02)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068 Renewables 757

Renewable energy sources provided a record 61.2 per cent of Germany’s net public electricity generation in February, according to figures provided by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE). The figures showed that wind energy provided nearly half of the country’s electricity during February.

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Of the total 45.12TWh generated by Germany’s power sector, 27.63TWh, or 61.2 per cent, was generated from renewable electricity sources. Germany’s wind turbines generated 20.80TWh, or 45.8 per cent of the country’s electricity, another monthly record. Second in terms of contribution to Germany’s renewable power sector was biomass, which provided 3.74TWh, or 8.3 per cent of total electricity generation, followed by solar with 1.86TWh, or 4.2 per cent.

By contrast, natural gas provided 10.2 per cent of February’s total, while nuclear provided 11.5 per cent. Coal’s contribution fell to 17 per cent of the country’s power in February.