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German power sector CO2 emissions reach pre-Covid-19 level

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-03)
  • David Flin
Coal 282 Emissions 61 Europe 1068

Power sector emissions in Germany reached their highest level last month since before the onset of Covid-19, as lower renewable output and increased cooling demand from a heatwave boosted output from thermal power plants.

WNA 2024
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WNA 2024

German hard coal and lignite-fired power plants produced an average of 12.6 GW in August, Combined generation for August totalled 9.4 TWh – up from 7.9 TWh in July, and the highest since January, but still down from 10.6 TWh in August 2019.

Temperatures in Berlin peaked as high as 36°C in August, holding on average 3°C above the seasonal norm and resulting in a higher power demand for cooling. Lower wind and solar generation increased German reliance on thermal plants to meet this increased demand. Output from wind farms averaged 9.2 GW in August, down from 9.5 GW in July, while solar farms produced an average of 6.1 GW, down from 7.1 GW.