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German Consul advises Pakistan against nuclear

  • 12 years ago (2012-02-10)
  • Junior Isles
Europe 1068 North America 1004 Nuclear 643 Renewables 757

Dr Tilo Klinner, German Consul General, has advised Pakistan to avoid seeking electricity generation from nuclear technology due to the security and environmental threats it poses.

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“A lot of risk is involved in electricity generation from nuclear technology. Not only a security threat is involved, but the nuclear waste is also a big problem,” he said at a meeting with members of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI).

The consul general was replying to KCCI President Mian Abrar Ahmed’s proposal that Germany support Pakistan’s advancement towards greater civil nuclear use. Dr Klinner acknowledged that energy supply was the biggest hurdle to Pakistan’s expanding economy.

He assured that investors wished to help solve energy crisis in Pakistan, but said that the circular debt should be resolved before attracting investment.

Dr Klinner also spoke of the many possible kinds of Pakistani-German cooperation in alternative energy, including wind and solar.

He further reassured cooperation on coal-fired generation. However, he qualified that problems such as fuel production and carbon reduction were potentially pressing issues.

KCCI appealed in return for Germany’s help in setting up small dams for hydro generation, a particularly promising area since Pakistan has a large number of waterfalls with much generation potential.