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GE wins equipment contract for CCGT projects in Taiwan

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-08)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Gas 379

GE has been selected as the successful bidder for the 6500 MW Hsinta and Taichung combined cycle power plants initiated by Taiwan Power Company (TPC). GE will be working with its local consortium partner CTCI Corporation to engineer, manufacture, and commission the combined cycle blocks which are planned to begin commercial operation in phases from 2024.

EP Shanghai 2024
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EP Shanghai 2024

GE will deploy its latest gas turbine technology, the 7HA.03, with appropriate steam turbine, generators, and HRSG at both sites. GE will supply 10 7HA.03 gas turbines, 5 steam turbines, 15 generators, 10 HRSGs, and additional balance of plant equipment as part of the project scope.

The new generating units will commence operations in phases from 2024, gradually replacing coal-fired power generating units, in line with Taiwan’s Renewable Energy Development Act (REDA) energy policy that seeks to increase the gas-fired power ratio to 50 per cent by 2025.

Ramesh Singaram, President and CEO of GE Gas Power Asia, said: “GE is proud to support Taiwan Power Company in their energy transition programme to increase electricity production capacity with more efficient technologies, and bring fast, flexible power to Taiwan.”