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GE signs $400 million contract for 14 substations in Iraq

  • 6 years ago (2017-11-24)
  • David Flin
Middle East 317 Transmission 181

The Iraqi Ministry of Electricity (MOE) has signed an agreement worth over $400 million with GE Power to develop substations on a turnkey basis and supply critical equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, and other equipment to rehabilitate existing substations. This will bring much-needed power to areas facing significant electricity shortages across the country. GE will support the MOE to secure funding through various financial institutions, including export credit agencies and commercial banks.

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GE will develop the substations to connect power plants spread across the governorates of Ninawa, Salah Al Din, Al Anbar, Karbala, Baghdad, Qadisiyyah, and Basra to the national grid. Several of the locations, in conflict-affected areas, are continuing to recover, and are in immediate need of reliable power infrastructure.

GE Power has previously provided power generation equipment for some of the power plants that the substations will be connected to, including the 3GW Basmaya Power Plant. The current agreement includes 4 substations critical to distributing power from the facility.

Mussab al-Mudaris, spokesperson of the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity, said: “The agreement represents a major milestone in our efforts to strengthen Iraq’s power transmission sector through a comprehensive grid project across the nation. Our focus remains on providing our people with the most reliable and advanced technology to meet their daily needs, and to accomplish this, we need strong partners in this journey of development and reconstruction.”