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GE signs contract to upgrade Azito Power Plant in Ivory Coast

  • 5 years ago (2019-05-15)
  • David Flin
Africa 306 Gas 379

Azito Energie has announced that it has signed a contract with GE for the deployment of GE’s Predix Asset Performance Management (APM) software for two GT13E2 gas turbines and two generators at the Azito III site, located in the Yopougon district of Ivory Coast. In addition, the companies announced the successful execution of GE’s MXL2 upgrade solution for the first GT13E2 gas turbine, which will increase the plant’s output by 15 MW. The upgrade on the second unit is set to be implemented later this year.

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GE successfully executed the MXL2 upgrade on the first turbine, compressor and combustor modules. This upgrade allows operators to benefit from increased efficiency, improved power output, and significantly extended service intervals. This upgrade also helps extend the lifetime of the asset and improve availability of power with fewer inspections.

Under the contract, the APM software will provide real-time unified visibility into the health of assets critical to the customer. It can predict and accurately diagnose issues with greater accuracy before they occur with the help of predictive analytics, while generating the root cause analysis of events and providing a framework for the resolution of identified issues.