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GE’s AGP upgrade improves efficiency and output at Egypt’s West Damietta power plant

  • 5 years ago (2019-04-25)
  • David Flin
Gas 379 Middle East 317

GE Power has announced the completion of Advanced Gas Path (AGP) upgrades on four 9E gas turbines at East Delta Electricity Production Company’s 1.5 GW West Damietta power plant in lower Egypt. The upgrade has helped enhance fuel efficiency by up to 2.2 per cent and increase the average output per turbine by over 4.5 MW, leading to a total output increase of 18 MW at the facility. The technology has also substantially increased the average duration between maintenance works on the units from 12,000 hours to 32,000 hours, significantly reducing operational costs.

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Mohamed Abu Sinna, Chairman of the East Delta Electricity Production Company, said: “We decided to collaborate with GE on this upgrade project because of the proven effectiveness of their technologies in Egypt and across the world. Improving supply side energy efficiency is a top priority in Egypt today. By enabling us to generate more power per unit of fuel consumed, GE’s AGP solution is helping us to enhance energy efficiency and bring down costs.”

GE has also previously successfully installed the AGP upgrade on four 9F gas turbines in Egypt located at the Kureimat and Nubaria power plants. The upgrades led to an average output increase of about 7 per cent per unit and extended the average lifetime of each turbine by 24,000 hours.