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GE announce new energy storage platform

  • 6 years ago (2018-03-08)
  • David Flin
Distribution 112 North America 1003 Storage 39

GE has announced the launch of the GE Reservoir, a comprehensive 20 MW, 80 MWh energy storage platform. GE said that the Reservoir will deliver a suite of customised storage solutions.

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Russell Stokes, President and CEO of GE Power, said: “The energy landscape is undergoing an unprecedented paradigm shift, as the growth of renewables, decentralisation of power, and digitalisation create both new challenges and opportunities in how power is generated, transmitted, and distributed. GE’s Reservoir delivers the new type of energy systems that customers are looking for to help manage electricity’s next chapter.”

The 1.2 MW, 4 MWh Reservoir Storage Unit is the fundamental building block of GE’s Reservoir platform. It is a modular solution integrating GE’s Battery Blade design with technologies from across the company’s portfolio. GE’s proprietary Blade Protection Unit (BPU) actively balances the safety, life, and production of each battery Blade, extending battery life by up to 15 per cent and reducing fault currents by a factor of five.

The modular system has multiple installation and cabling options, and it is designed to minimise O&M expenses over the life of the project.