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Foster Wheeler wins PMC contract for UK Don Valley Power Project

  • 12 years ago (2012-02-01)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068

Foster Wheeler has announced that a subsidiary of its Global Engineering and Construction Group has been awarded a project management consultancy (PMC) contract by 2Co Power (Yorkshire) Limited (2Co) for the Don Valley Power Project in Stainforth, Yorkshire, UK.

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The Don Valley Power Project is part of a carbon capture, utilisation and storage scheme (CCS) being developed by 2Co, comprising a 900 MW installed capacity (650 MW net export capacity) integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant, CO2 transportation, and storage combined with enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The plant will be designed to capture, as CO2, 90 percent of the carbon in the fossil fuel. The CO2 will then be compressed and transported via an underground pipeline being developed by National Grid. The pipeline will transport the CO2 to the North Sea, where it will be injected into selected oil fields. These oil fields are intended to provide storage for the CO2, and the injection of CO2 through EOR will enable a larger proportion of the oil reserves to be recovered than would otherwise be possible through conventional methods.

Foster Wheeler’s role as PMC will include development of the EPC contract package, and engineering strategy, review of the existing front-end design package, review of the licensors’ scope of work and process design packages, and provision of other development support to 2Co. 2Co has said that its intention is that, after the final investment decision is taken, Foster Wheeler will manage the EPC contract.

2Co Energy’s objective is for the Don Valley Power Project to be the first project to be built as part of the UK’s CCS development programme. 2Co’s final investment decision will be subject to confirmation of financial support from the UK government and the European Union. 2Co expects the new plant to begin operation by the end of 2016.