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First Energy announces coal plant closures with caveat

  • 6 years ago (2018-08-30)
  • David Flin
Coal 310 North America 1040

First Energy, based in Ohio, USA, has announced the closure of three coal-fired power plants and one diesel oil-fired plant, but said that it could reverse its decision if the Trump Administration takes steps to offset the market environment. The utility has been lobbying the Trump Administration over the last several months to implement a plan to save the plants.

First Energy said in a statement that it: “Is closing the plants due to a market environment that fails to adequately compensate generators for the resiliency and fuel-security attributes that the plants provide.”

First Energy has notified the grid operator PJM Interconnections of its intent to close in 2021 and 2022 two coal plants in Ohio, one in Pennsylvania, and a diesel oil-fired plant in Ohio. The plants have a combined total capacity of 4017 MW. First Energy will close the Eastlake 6 plant in Ohio, the Bruce Mansfield Units 1-3 in Shippingport, Pennsylvania, and the W H Sammis diesel oil plant in Stratton, Ohio in June 2021. The W H Sammis coal plant will be closed in June 2022.