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Europe’s largest solar power plant begins production in Spain

  • 4 years ago (2020-04-14)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068 Solar 249

Spanish utility Iberdrola has commissioned Europe’s largest solar PV plant, the 500MW Núñez de Balboa solar farm in the southwest of Spain. The plant consists of 1,430,000 solar panels, 115 inverters, and two substations. It will avoid the emission of 215,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

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Developed in collaboration with local power provider Ecoenergías del Guardiana, the Núñez de Balboa plant received financing from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (IC), Spain’s state financial agency for the project.

The new plant is part of Iberdrola’s larger plans to develop over 2GW of solar PV generation by 2022. It already has more than 1.3GW of solar projects in the company’s pipeline, including the 590MW Francisco Pizarro project in Torrecillas de la Tiesa; the 328MW Caclavín in Alcántara; the 150MW Arenales in Cáceres; the 150MW Campo Arañuelo I, II, and III in the district of Almaraz; and the Majada Alata and San Antonio projects in Cedillo, each of which will be 50MW.