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EU budget chief question global warming

  • 13 years ago (2011-06-24)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068 North America 1004

Janusz Lewandowski from Poland, the EU Budget Commissioner, has said that he has major doubts over the existence of global warming, and this looks to be certain to affect the drafting of EU policy over the years 2014-2020.

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Lewandowski said: “There’s an emerging point of view that the thesis about coal energy as a major contributor to global warming is highly doubtful. Question marks are appearing ever more frequently over global warming itself.” Poland relies on coal for 90 percent of its electricity generation. Lewandowski said that it would be impossible for Poland to shift away from coal.

Green groups have said that they find these comments deeply disturbing, particularly amid reports that next week may see budget proposals for cuts in some of the EU’s environmental schemes.

Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said in a speech in Brussels: “The effects of climate change are – quite literally – all around us. We have a clear position on climate change.”

A spokesman for the European Commission said: “We have no fears that when the budget is presented it will reflect the views of the commission as a whole.” However, environmental groups have expressed concern that financial support for environmental measures might be cut back or curtailed.