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Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam to start producing 2022

  • 2 years ago (2021-11-12)
  • David Flin
Africa 306 Hydropower 116

Ethiopia has announced that its Grand Renaissance Dam will start generating 700 MW next year, boosting the country’s installed power generating capacity by 14 per cent.

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Sudan and Egypt have expressed concerns over the impact the $4 billion dam might have on water flow and shortages. Ethiopia said that the dam is key to its development, and that it is taking into account the interests of both Sudan and Egypt.

Huria Ali Mahdi, Ethiopia’s State Minister for National ICT and Digital Economy, said: “Ethiopia is undertaking various projects on electronic power, chief among them the Grand Renaissance Dam, which will start producing 700 MW of electricity as of 2022.”

Ethiopia currently has a total installed power generating capacity of 4967 MW.