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Engie to build 8 hybrid solar-oil power plants in Gabon

  • 6 years ago (2018-08-07)
  • David Flin
Africa 324 Solar 281

Engie has signed an agreement with the Gabonese financial institution Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) to deploy eight hybrid solar power plants in Gabon, with a combined capacity of 2.2 MW.

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The implemented solution was developed by Engine’s subsidiary Ausar Energy in collaboration with CDC, the Gabonese Ministry of Energy, and the Gabonese energy and water company Société d’Énergie et d’Eau du Gabon (SEEG), and means that solar energy can be used in eight locations that are currently supplied by oil-fired thermal power stations.

With construction set to start shortly, this project will contribute to Gabon’s policy of using renewable energy, mainly solar and hydropower, to increase the country’s electricity generation capacity. It is estimated that the project with save Gabon 1 million litres of fuel oil per year, reduce CO2 emissions by 2600 tonnes per year, and reduce generation costs by 30 per cent.