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Enel to file for permit to close last coal-fired units in Chile by 2022

  • 4 years ago (2020-05-29)
  • David Flin
Coal 282 Latin America 77

Power company Enel Chile and its electricity generation subsidiary Enel Generacion Chile have decided to close their last coal-fired plant in 2022 to exit coal-fired electricity generation earlier than had been agreed with the Chilean Government. Enel Generacion will file a request with Chile’s National Energy Commission (CNE) to authorise the closure of two units at the Bocamina plant.

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Originally, the 128MW Bocamina I unit was to be taken offline by the end of 2023 and the 350MW Bocamina II in 2040, as part of the national decarbonisation plan signed with the Chilean energy Ministry last year. Enel Chile will now seek to close down Bocamina I by the end of December 2020 and cease operations at Bocamina II by the end of May 2022.

Enel said that the net book value of the two units is around $870 million, including dismantling costs.

In 2019, Enel Generacion Chile requested and received CNE approval to disconnect the 158MW coal-fired unit at the Tarapaca power plant five months ahead of the agreed schedule. The unit was taken offline in December 2019.